Jeffy Skips School!

From Terrible SML Videos WIki
Jeffy Skips School!
A misleading video, and a dumb disguise.
Channel: SuperLuigiLogan
Episode Number: 428
Air Date: March 6, 2019
Previous episode: Jeffy's Teddy Bear
Next episode: Heartbroken

Jeffy Skips School! is the 428th episode of SML Movies.

Synopsis[edit | edit source]

Jeffy's grandpa helps him skip school!

Bad Qualities[edit | edit source]

  1. Misleading title: It has very little to do with Jeffy. The video is mostly about Harold posing as him, and Mario stupidly buying the disguise.
  2. Mario is beyond idiotic in this video. Harold's Jeffy disguise is very weak, yet Mario is convinced the whole time that he's Jeffy. Not only does Harold not look like Jeffy, but he even sounds nothing like Jeffy either. How could Mario buy this disguise?
    • Mario's reasoning for believing that Harold is Jeffy is that anyone who wears a shirt that says Jeffy on it IS Jeffy, period. This implies that Mario isn't stupid, but suffers from prosopagnosia, a neurological condition characterized by the inability to recognize the faces of familiar people. This would also explain why Bowser has bought Bowser Jr.'s disguises in the past.
  3. Even Jackie Chu thinks that Harold is Jeffy. The adults in SML are so gullible.
  4. Unfunny humor, including Harold thinking Mario 'poisoned' the spaghettios.
  5. Harold gets in trouble with Jackie Chu for saying "Carrots." Huh?

Good Qualities[edit | edit source]

  1. Bowser Jr. and Brooklyn Guy are able to tell that Harold is not Jeffy.
  2. Brooklyn Guy calls Mario out for how stupid he was for thinking his grandfather is Jeffy.
  3. The scene where Brooklyn Guy dresses up as Jeffy and Mario is not able to tell that it is Brooklyn Guy is hilarious.

Comments[edit | edit source]

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