Jeffy's Backpack!

From Terrible SML Videos WIki
Jeffy's Backpack!
Don't listen to the plot, the backpack is not cool.
Channel: SuperBowserLogan
Episode Number: 452
Air Date: July 26, 2019
Previous episode: Chef Jeffy
Next episode: Bowser Junior's Crazy Sleepover

"Jeffy's Backpack!" Is the 452nd episode of SML Movies.

Synopsis[edit | edit source]

Jeffy keeps getting bullied for his backpack, so he gets a backpack cooler than any backpack to ever exist.

Why It Sucks[edit | edit source]

  1. Jeffy keeps getting bullied for his backpack, so he gets a backpack cooler than any backpack to ever exist.
  2. A stupid running gag where Chef Pee Pee says "Every day is Taco Tuesday!".
  3. Another stupid running gag where Jeffy spanks his diaper every time Mario tells him not to.
  4. Continuity error: Bowser Junior, Joseph, and Chef Pee Pee say that Chef Pee Pee always says, "Every day is Taco Tuesday!", but this video is the first time he's ever said that. Even Cody points this out.
  5. Bowser Junior is unlikable at the beginning, as he beats Cody up just because he likes school WHICH IS OPINOIN BASHING.
  6. Plothole: Why and how does Jeffy's backpack shoot lasers?
  7. Bully Bill keeps making fun of Jeffy for having a Minecraft backpack, mockingly asking if they are still in 2009, even though Cody has a Hello Kitty backpack, and Hello Kitty is not very talked nowadays, and Bully doesn't mock Cody.
  8. The video itself can get boring quickly.
  9. Jeffy's British accent, while not the worst, is pretty annoying.

Redeeming Qualities[edit | edit source]

  1. Junior became tolerable later on in the video when he tells Jeffy that he needs to get a new backpack.
  2. The way Jeffy hides in his backpack was pretty funny.
  3. There are still plenty of good moments.
    1. For example, the running gag when Chef Pee Pee says "Every Day is Taco Tuesday!", while kind of stupid and boring, it can be kind of funny.

Comments[edit | edit source]

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