Hurricane Jeffy!

From Terrible SML Videos WIki
Hurricane Jeffy!
One of the laziest and unfunniest videos ever.🤦‍♀️💀
Channel: SuperBowserLogan
Episode Number: 543
Air Date: September 16, 2020
Previous episode: Cody vs. Harry
Next episode: Jeffy the Monkey

Hurricane Jeffy is the 543rd episode of SML videos.

Plot[edit | edit source]

After hearing of a hurricane named Hurricane Sally, Jeffy wants to be a hurricane.

Why It Sucks[edit | edit source]

  1. Misleading Title: Jeffy never actually becomes a hurricane, as he pretends to be a hurricane.
    1. On that note, the Thumbnail shows Mario and co. outside in a hurricane, while in the actual episode itself, most of it is spend inside the house.
  2. The plot is just really stupid and bland. And not only is the plot very boring, but it's also an EXTREMELY wasted opportunity for an otherwise creative and fun concept, the premise about Mario and co. having to deal with a hurricane was a great idea of an episode, it would have came up with some interesting writing like seeing what kind of shenanigans Mario and/or co. would get into during the hurricane, and having some creative, funny and hilarious gags that involves the hurricane like wind, rain or lighting. But instead...the three "plots" are just Jeffy throwing things around the house to be a "hurricane". Mario, Rosalina and Chef Pee Pee trying to stop Jeffy from being a hurricane and Bowser Jr. trying to prepare a date for "Hurricane Sally".
    1. On that note, most of the episode takes place inside the house, so Mario and or co. don't even interact with a Hurricane.
  3. The gimmick of Jeffy throwing objects around and breaking them is nothing new or funny.
  4. Once again, Rosalina is unlikable as she encourages Jeffy's bad behavior and treats him like a child.
  5. For some reason, Goodman straight up goes outside to say how bad the hurricane is. Doing so in the middle of a single hurricane is very dangerous!
  6. The noises Jeffy makes throughout the video while pretending to be a hurricane is very annoying and ear-piercing.
  7. In addition to the title being misleading, the premise is also a bit mislead as the "hurricane" that this video takes place looks nothing like an actual hurricane, and looks more than a basic rainstorm.
    1. Although to be fair, that kind of makes since, seeing as it's hard to record and joke around with stuff toys during a serious situation such as a hurricane, so it's probably the reason why Logan and co. did a video about a hurricane during a rainstorm.
  8. Junior at first likes a girl named Sally because of her cute looks, but after the lights come back on, he cruelly insults her and just leaves, which is mean-spirited.
  9. Mediocre ending: After Jeffy decides to no longer be a hurricane, he ends up wanting to be an earthquake and starts shaking the couch that Mario and Rosalina is on, meaning the episode is going to repeat itself, and he once again learned nothing.

Redeeming Qualities[edit | edit source]

  1. Junior's plot, while also dumb, is slightly better than Jeffy's boring plot.
  2. Chef Pee Pee is likable and has some funny moments.
  3. Speaking of which, the scene in which Jeffy farts after Rosalina tells Mario that they need Supplies, Food, Water, Ice, Flashlights, Batteries and Gas, and later on says "There's you gas right there mommy." after farting was funny.