Bowser Junior Almost Goes To Sleep Forever!

From Terrible SML Videos WIki
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Bowser Junior Almost Goes To Sleep Forever!
"The title can't be what the thumbnail says because YouTube hates me."
Channel: SuperLuigiLogan
Episode Number: 379
Air Date: May 27, 2018
Previous episode: Jeffy's Energy Drink
Next episode: Jeffy's Sleepover

"Bowser Junior Almost Goes to Sleep Forever!" (stylized as: "Bowser Junior Almost DIES!" on the thumbnail), is the 379th episode of SML Movies.

Synopsis[edit | edit source]

Chef Pee Pee saves Bowser Junior from choking on a jolly rancher, but he wants some things in return.

Why It Should've Put To Go To Sleep Forever[edit | edit source]

  1. It's a Bowser Junior torture episode.
  2. Chef Pee Pee is very unlikable in this episode, as he turns Junior into his slave after saving him, and if Junior doesn't do something he wants, he says he should've let him die.
  3. Cody's gay jokes in this episode just come out as unnecessary, and serve nothing to the plot.
    • Keep in mind that Cody was 12 at the time, and he states that he has sucked lots of penises before, meaning that lots of people have committed pedophilia (and possibly adultery, for some), and Cody has committed adultery multiple times.
      • Cody even commits adultery on-screen by having sex with Junior. Keep in mind that Junior is also a minor. Also note that Cody has sex with Junior without his consent, meaning Cody is a rapist.
    • On the topic of NSFW & NSFL, Chef Pee Pee also humps a sandwich, which is very unnecessary and is just pointless gross-out humor and makes him a sitophile.
  4. Despite changing the title to be family-friendly, there are multiple instances that are not family-friendly, coming off as hypocritical of Logan.
  5. While the title's events do indeed happen, the "almost goes to sleep forever" segment is fairly short and the episode is mostly about Junior being a slave.
  6. Terrible ending where the Loan Dolphin shoots Chef Pee Pee twice.

Redeeming Qualities[edit | edit source]

  1. Despite the awful ending Chef Pee Pee rightfully deserves karma making the first time Chef Pee Pee being the punching bag being justified.
  2. Cody calls Chef Pee Pee out for using Bowser Junior as a slave.
  3. Cody's gay jokes can be funny for some viewers.
  4. The title was made like that because instead of using the word "die", to avoid demonitization, Logan replaced the word "die" with "almost goes to sleep forever", the family friendly version of "die". Which is very funny and a good tactic to avoid demonitization.

Comments[edit | edit source]

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